Sunday, January 17, 2010

9 am church

So, apparently, since our ward is so absolutely
they have been "forced" stay in the 11
am time slot for church. This allows them full use of all
the larger rooms for classes, etc.
This year someone,
somehow worked it out
that we are able to go at the
9 am time.
Most people seemed pretty excited.
Others were grumbling and unhappy.
I am neither here nor there.
There are pros and cons to every time slot for me.

Anyway, we haven't been privileged to attend
our ward since "last year" since we were in HI for
2 weeks. Will had to work today, so he
was off and gone by 6. I got up and fed the
kids taking account of the time, until it hit me that
We have 9 o'clock church!!!"
This was at exactly
8:01 am.

I literally threw the 3 middle kids
into the shower while Roxelle sat on the potty.
Got them out and helped Mariah hurry through.
I was, by some miracle,
able to get them all showered, dressed
and hair fixed by 8:25, and then I had to shower.
We got ready to leave at 8:50 and it was only
then that I realized that I am supposed to
teach today.

Now, (I sheepishly admit), I have prepared a lesson or 2
during the 2nd block of church and that is
what I would have done, except that I
didn't have the new manual for this year.

We arrived at the church at 9:05
and planned on sitting in the foyer until after
the sacrament so that we could occupy
the benches that the priesthood uses for passing the sacrament,
but it seems that there quite a few people aren't
accustomed to the earlier time slot and
there was actually a bench available!

We've been blessed for a good long
while to have Will attend church with us.
The kids aren't perfect with him there,
but at least we can tag team if needed.
Today was one of those
"I really want to drag all 5 of you out of this chapel and hide"
kinda day.

Our friends,
Mike and Arianna Rees,
who just moved into our ward a
couple of months ago, spoke today.
Arianna talked about (of all things)
"The JOY of motherhood".
That was all I could do.....laugh at myself.

only 1 of the 2 lasagne's that
I made to take to the priest/laurel activity
on Friday got eaten, so I didn't have to
think about dinner.

1 comment:

*~McGarys~* said...

Funny how it usually ends up being on Sundays that the joy of family is the most stressful!! We sympathize 'cause that's us every Sunday too! :)