Saturday, September 6, 2008

"Fashion" Week

The girls had a great first week at school. We had a few mishaps with the bus ride home, but it's all worked out and now the bus drops them off right at Grandma's driveway! Mariah said, with a huff of disgust, "I told that bus driver that we are supposed to be dropped off at the corner by the dead grass". Which is the corner of Vanderbeck and Boones Ferry just a couple houses down. LOL!! Now they switched the whole route so that they can drop them at the driveway.

I tried really hard to let them choose what they wanted to wear and pick their own stuff. Much to Mariah's dismay, Brinlee ended up picking the coordinating thing to Mariah's to wear all week. Mariah kept saying "I HATE MATCHING!!"




Photobucket Photobucket


Gil, Keli, Dezi and Ava said...

Well that's what sisters are for huh? To make your life harder by wearing the same thing. (LOL)!! Memories. did you do your little slide show on the top right corner. I tried and just don't know how. I can't wait to see your new little addition! Take care and keep those skunks away!

*~McGarys~* said...

I don't have her blog. I think that I saw it on kaites. But I know they they were getting a divorce that last time that I read there/ her blog. Her and her daughter were getting ready to move to Utah. I have tried to find it again but I haven't seen it. If I do find it ill give you the link. I think that I have her e-mail address if you want it?

Megan and Adam said...

The girls look so cute!! It made me laugh just thinking of the girls choosing there clothes and brinlee matching Mariah! Cute girls. I hope you are still feeling better, I can't wait to see my new neice and especially hear her name!!lol:)

Elyse said...

Those two are just too darn cute!! Can't believe it => I've been dealing with the whole independent dressing with Jillian for the past several months, and I agree, they should have a part in it => As much as I want her to wear the outfits I love, I realize, she's not a doll, she's a little person....sigh... It's cool you'll have another baby girl to dress as you please => I have to say your little ladies have some great sense of style =>