Monday, September 22, 2008

Day 2 & 3

Roxelle slept really well for her first night. I fed her and couple of times and the nurse had to come in all night, of course, but all in all it went well. Will slept on the pull out couch in the hospital room. It looked so uncomfortable. Every time I was up, he was tossing and turning.

It was a partly cloudy day. The 17th had been a beautiful clear sunny day. The 18th was just a little gray. My mom, Grandma Woolsey (mom's mom), and Asia came to visit. Tatum stayed home with Chelsea to nap and the other girls were at school. Asia was being so funny about the baby. She didn't want to look at her or hold her. When my mom sat on the couch next to her holding the baby, she scooted way over to the other side. She wasn't being silly or ornery, but she kind of seemed like she was nervous or didn't know what to do or think. It was cute, though.

Bryan and Ellene came with their 4 kids in the afternoon. They brought Roxelle a Bumbo!!! I was so glad. I had to leave mine in HI because I just couldn't fit it in. I am so happy to have one again! I so wish I'd had one with ALL my kids.

After the Lomax's left, we talked about names since we hadn't picked one yet. I gave Will the list I had been putting together, but I had been thinking about Roxelle for a long time. He said he didn't really like it because it reminds him of that movie "Roxanne" with Steve Martin. I said I had never seen that movie and he said he hadn't either. *???* He said he liked the name Liv, which was on the list, but he "didn't know". So I said that I like Roxelle and that he named the last 2 (I'd have named Asia, Dakota and Tatum, Elle). Then we talked about middle names. I liked Rianna and Kaya, but he didn't really care, so I went with Rianna.

Around 6, Chelsea brought all the girls and Hannah to visit. It was a little wild, but the girls were SO excited. They all wanted to hold Roxelle at once. Will was having a fit because they wouldn't sit down and be quiet. I was getting frustrated because they were just excited and he wouldn't leave them alone. They were there for about an hour and then Will helped Chelsea out to the car.

Will had said he was going to go ahead and get himself ready to go home after the kids left since he had to work the next day. The thought of being by myself all night was making me panic! I was trying not to be a big baby, but by the time he came back up from helping Chelsea, I was in tears. I was also really sad that he hadn't even tried to switch days for tomorrow so that he could be the one to bring us home. The nurses had said that I could delay my check out time so that he could see if he could get done early, but he said there probably wasn't going to be a way for him to leave early. He stayed with me until about 8 and then left. I couldn't stop crying. I felt like such a baby!!

Roxelle was a little fussy early in the night and wouldn't sleep. I was exhausted! She finally settled in and slept well.

In the morning, I just hung out with Roxelle. In the late morning, the nurse did all the paperwork and what not. They took Roxelle to take her pictures and I talked to Will at 1:00-ish and he said he was too busy to try and get off early. So I called my mom to see if she could come and pick us up. I was so sad. Monica and Mary Lou came shortly after that and I was in tears again. They stayed for quite a while and waited with me until my mom got there.

When I was discharged, the hospital gave us a gift bag with a tray of Lasagne for my family for dinner. It also included salad, rolls, cookies and a bottle of sparkling cider. I was so excited! That was so nice and thoughtful of them! Overall, I was very pleasantly surprised by my experience with Newberg Hospital.

1 comment:

rouskafamily said...

Congratulations, again!!! She is so beautiful, Maybe I will have another one??? Hope all is going well in your house full of girls, you are a tough mommie. Miss you and love yer guts.